Expand Your Mind: Finding Public Media
Published by Frankie Mooney · 16 April 2020
Expand Your Mind: Discover Public Media
by Frankie Mooney | April 16th, 2020
Practically everyone knows about the Public Broadcasting Service on TV, known as "PBS." Also, most are aware of radio's version, National Public Radio, or "NPR." But did you know that these and other public media groups offer an incredible wealth of information online?
With the variety of stimulating topics available, accessing public media resources will help you get excited about learning again. Intentionally promoting your personal and intellectual growth is crucial to living a conscious, fulfilling life.
When you grow intellectually and emotionally, your experience of life is more enriching and engaging. Gaining knowledge is worth the journey of seeking out information that interests you.
Ponder all the things you'd like to know more about. There's a big world of captivating stuff out there. Once you see the abundance of ideas available in the public media, you'll be excited to delve in. Go ahead and try it: you're probably tired of watching the same old TV anyway.
To pique your curiosity, look at some of the offerings from the public media available on the internet:
1. Public Broadcasting Service website. PBS has a website where you can watch all the shows they've aired in the past on their television channel.
• You can search PBS' incredible library of info by topic. This includes arts and literature, cinema, culture, health and wellness, history, home and how-to, nature and environment, news and public affairs, performance art, region, science, and technology.
• If you prefer, search by program or by specific collections of shows. However you go about investigating the site, you'll be impressed by the diversity of their content.
2. National Public Radio website. If you've never listened to public radio, visit the NPR website to see the variety of topic areas.
• Topics are arranged for easy navigation. Also, they offer some wonderful human interest stories and pieces about people from other parts of the world.
• Another particularly nice feature of this site is that you can check in and listen to your choice of several public radio stations over the internet. Or, if you prefer to read, you can check out stories and news articles instead.
3. American Public Media website. You might not have heard of this public media group. But maybe you've listened to "The Prairie Home Companion" a time or two on your local public media radio station. This show is put out by American Public Media.
• On this site, you can click on any of the radio shows you want to listen to and be taken to the specific program's website. You can watch videos and listen to audios of the shows any time you like.
4. Black Public Media website. For a different array of fascinating materials than offered by any of the other sites mentioned here, check out this website.
• Founded by the Ford Foundation and the National Minority Consortia, the Black Public Media will offer you new music, inspiring stories of the lives of young people, and much more. You'll find short films, documentaries, and interviews addressing a variety of thought-provoking subject matters.
5. British Film Institue. A film and charitable organisation which promotes and preserves filmmaking and television in the United Kingdom. The BFI uses lottery funds to encourage film production, distribution, and education. It is sponsored by the Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. If you're in the UK, free streaming content available includes shorts and features, showing the best from the BFI, national and regional archives - including 120 years of Britain on film.
If you want to take steps to promote your own personal growth and expose yourself to ongoing intellectual expansion, take some time to explore these public media websites. You'll discover a whole new galaxy of fascinating subjects and stories to feed your mind and nurture your soul.
To your success,